Santa's Got Back Pain

Santa's Got Back Pain
Santa, his elves and reindeer are taking steps to prevent a back injury this year!

We all have lots of work to do around the holidays but there’s one guy who works harder than anyone else: Santa Claus!  Can you imagine having to travel around the entire world, going in and out of chimneys, carrying that heavy sack of toys?  Santa and his crew have a tough night ahead of them this December, and they need to be mindful to watch out for back pain and injuries.

Santa’s Elves have Back Pain

Santa’s elves have been toiling away all year long to build the toys for all the good little girls and boys around the world.  The elves spend so much time hunched over their workbenches it might cause some poor work posture habits.

Poor working posture can cause back problems, so these elves (and you too) should ensure that anytime they’re working that they adjust their workspace to fit them. 

  • Whether you’re 6 feet tall or 3 foot 6 chairs and computer monitors should be adjusted to your height.
  • If you’re standing at work, shock absorbing mats should be placed under your feet to relieve strain on your feet and ankles.

Santa’s Reindeer have Back Pain

Pulling that sleigh is hard work, even when you have eight other reindeer helping you.  Santa’s not known for his slim figure either, making Rudolph and his team work even harder.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a reindeer or a human; any time you’re pulling or lifting, keep your back straight and let your legs do the work. 

  • The muscles in your back are small and weak compared to the big strong ones in your legs. 
  • If you’re forcing your back muscles to do the heavy lifting, you’re setting yourself up for a severe injury.

St. Nick has Back Pain Too

Even though he only works one day out of the year, no one envies Santa’s job.  Getting around the world in one night is difficult enough, but he also has to lug around a sack stuffed with toys for every child in the world.  And Santa jumps out of his sleigh at each house, hauling that heavy sack out and down and back up the chimney.  Poor Santa, little Billy wished for a 72-inch flat screen TV this year… and he’s not the only one! 

  • Santa needs to make sure he’s lifting with his legs and squatting down when he picks up a box. 
  • By lifting from the box’s center of gravity, Santa can make sure he’s lifting efficiently and that his back muscles aren’t doing the work. 

Once the holiday season is over, you can be sure Santa, his elves and his reindeer will all be taking a trip to Resurgens Spine Center to get a checkup.  If you had a rough holiday season, you might want to stop in to Resurgens as well.  If you’re lucky, St. Nick and his crew will be there to spread some holiday cheer to you and your family!

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