Absorbable Antibiotic Bead Treatment for Osteomyelitis

Antibiotic bead treatment addresses osteomyelitis (or bone infection) more directly. These beads, implanted inside the bone, release their medicine in a targeted placement, providing more immediate relief from painful osteomyelitis symptoms.

What You Need To Know About Osteomyelitis Treatment

What is Antibiotic Bead Treatment?

Osteomyelitis — or bone infection — occurs due to blood-borne infection or open wounds. Antibiotic bead treatment is one of the most effective types of osteomyelitis treatment. Infected bone responds more quickly and effectively to antibiotic bead treatment than to other oral medication, which relies on bloodstream transfer.

The quick-release antibiotic beads are embedded directly in the bone, which provides more immediate relief from symptoms of osteomyelitis. Direct contact with the infection source is especially effective for people with extreme cases of osteomyelitis.

Finding the best treatment for osteomyelitis starts with a visit to Resurgens Orthopaedics. Schedule an appointment at one of our many Metro Atlanta locations today!

Why is Antibiotic Bead Treatment Performed?

People who experience osteomyelitis initially have significant discomfort and pain. However, more considerable threats arise as the infection spreads. The infection can result in fever, fatigue, pain, and complications in other bones and tissues throughout the body, ultimately resulting in bone death.

Using antibiotic beads for osteomyelitis, the antibiotics are implanted directly into the bone and reach the source of infection more rapidly. Physicians recommend this treatment to reduce the spread of bone infection.

What Happens During Antibiotic Bead Treatment?


  • The doctor administers sleeping medication to the patient.

  • The doctor performs an incision to reach the infected bone.

  • The doctor cleans the bone, removing the infected parts.


  • The doctor implants antibiotic beads in place of the infected bone parts.

  • The beads release medicine through the bone, healing the infection and aiding new bone growth.


  • After surgery, the doctor closes the incision and monitors the patient's progress.

  • The doctor and patient make a plan for proper rest and recovery.

Are there Risks Associated with Antibiotic Bead Treatment?

Implanting antibiotic beads into infected bones causes a few minor concerns. However, no treatment is completely risk-free. Some physicians believe antibiotic bead treatment can lead to infection if implemented too quickly. Scheduling bead-removal surgery can help reduce the risk of infection.

During your appointment, your physician will review with you all possible complications that can arise from antibiotic bead treatment. They will answer any questions you have in the lead-up to the procedure and monitor your recovery during your osteomyelitis treatment.

Post Antibiotic Bead Treatment & Recovery

The patient's post-procedural rest and rejuvenation time may vary depending on the degree of infection. The experts at Resurgens Orthopaedics will observe your recovery closely and create a plan to promote your recovery.

Our experts provide outstanding support and care for orthopaedic discomfort and pain. Contact Resurgens Orthopaedics today to find out more about how osteomyelitis treatment can restore your mobility and comfort.

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