Hill-Sachs Lesion

A Hill-Sachs lesion is a traumatic compression fracture of the humeral head. This leaves an indentation in the bone and can cause pain and interfere with normal arm motion.

What You Need To Know About Hill-Sachs Lesion

What is a Hill-Sachs Lesion?

A Hill-Sachs lesion is a fracture of the humerus, the long bone of the arm that connects to the body at the shoulder. This condition often occurs due to a dislocated shoulder, when the arm bone slips out of the socket and is compressed against the socket's rim. This abnormal position creates a dent in the humeral head, causing pain and decreased range of motion.

Finding the best Hill-Sachs lesion treatment starts with a visit to Resurgens Orthopaedics. Schedule an appointment at one of our Metro Atlanta locations now.

What Causes a Hill-Sachs Lesion?

A Hill-Sachs lesion is most often caused by a shoulder dislocation. The shoulder consists of a ball-and-socket joint. When the ball slips out of the socket, it presses against the socket's rim, leaving an indentation in the humeral head.

Shoulder dislocations frequently occur as a result of contact sports, falls or accidents, and repetitive overhead motion.

Hill-Sachs Lesion Symptoms

The most common Hill-Sachs lesion symptoms include pain in the shoulder, decreased movement of the affected arm causing popping, grinding, or catching sensations, and a reduced range of motion. Additionally, your shoulder may dislocate more easily.

How is a Hill-Sachs Lesion Diagnosed?

In order to make a positive diagnosis, your Resurgens physician will perform a thorough physical examination and discuss your medical history, symptoms, and the circumstances of the injury.

Diagnostic imaging will likely be ordered to assess possible damage to the bone, nerves, and muscle. This could include X-ray, ultrasound, CT, and/or MRI imaging. This information is vital for planning your ideal treatment plan.

Hill-Sachs Lesion Treatment

Many Hill-Sachs lesions heal with rest, medications, and physical therapy. If these do not yield suitable results, surgery may be indicated. Your Resurgens Physician will tailor a treatment plan to your needs.

Non-Surgical Hill-Sachs Lesion Treatment

If your Hill-Sachs lesion affects less than 20% of the humeral head, your doctor may recommend physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder joint. Anti-inflammatory medication and avoiding activities that irritate the injury may also be recommended.

Surgical Hill-Sachs Lesion Treatment

If non-surgical treatments are not effective, your doctor may recommend surgery. There are several Hill-Sachs lesion surgery options ranging from minimally invasive procedures to restorative surgery. In extreme cases, your physician may recommend a total shoulder replacement.

Getting the best Hill-Sachs deformity treatment starts with a visit to the shoulder pain experts at Resurgens Orthopaedics. Learn more about your Hill-Sachs deformity treatment options by scheduling an appointment now!

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