The starting line to your recovery

Dedicated to providing premier care as you recover!

Premier care begins at our front desk

Premier care begins at our front desk

Our staff strives to make it a point to schedule your appointment at a time that is most convenient for you. We verify your rehabilitation benefits with your insurance company. We do this as a courtesy for you since payment is due at time of service, but this is not a guarantee of benefits. We also recommend you contact your insurance provider so you understand your rehab benefits fully. When scheduling, our staff will be able to inform you of what you will want to wear to your visit as well as other pertinent information such as: what time to arrive, where to park, and what to expect at your first appointment.

Payment Services

Payment Services

We understand that rehabilitation benefits can be a financial burden. It is possible that your benefits may fall under a high deductible plan or may be a co-payment. If your benefits fall under your high deductible, we have the ability to work with our patient account representatives to set up a payment plan that is customized to fit your needs. This is why insurance verification is the first step we do for you once your appointment is scheduled. We will contact you as soon as your benefits are verified.

You have a choice in rehabilitation providers and by choosing us we can ensure that you will receive the highest quality of care for your rehabilitation needs. We aim to get you back up and moving quickly, and we are determined to assist you in doing so, which may sometimes include helping to make it financially possible. Visit us today.

Virtual After-Hours Access

Resurgens Orthopaedics has partnered with the HURT! app to offer FREE virtual after-hours access to orthopedic specialists right when you need it.

Receive immediate guidance on your injury!